Helping ease your pet's anxiety and pain

With Ginny 
Whole Energy Body Balance practitioner

Our pets are members of our family and we want them to be as healthy and happy as possible. 
But, like us, they can get aches and pains and suffer from anxiety. Using a type of massage known as Whole Energy Body Balance (WEBB), I can help ease these symptoms and calm their nervous systems. I combine hands-on WEBB massage with relaxation techniques, gained from 25-years of working and helping humans with similar issues. 

An estimated 50% of pets are hiding some kind of silent pain

This pain can be either physical, or from emotional stress. It’s easy to think that pets who run round and eat well are fit and healthy. 

Many animals don’t show you when they’re in pain. They are excellent at hiding it. The signs are subtle and can be missed. Sometimes their behaviour might change. With a WEBB assessment, we often find some level of discomfort, this can vary from slight soreness, to pain.

Meet WEBB Practitioner Ginny

As the daughter of a country vet, I have a keen interest in the welfare of animals. I’ve spent the last 23 years of my working life helping people with their pain, anxiety and trauma. 

Now, using the WEBB method, I’m combining my love of helping, with my passion for animals. 
Humans and their animals have a close bond and time and again I see how one has an effect on the other. I’ve seen how an anxious human can contribute to their dog’s anxiety. By helping an animal release its pain and trauma I also help its human. I also support people through issues that may be having a negative impact not only on them, but also on their animals. 

I currently foster dogs for a rescue centre and using WEBB has proved invaluable in rehabilitating these dogs. It helps make their transition into a ‘forever home’ much smoother. Often, the dogs are terrified and anxious when I first see them. WEBB helps them to release their pain, both physical and emotional. It can also reduce any trauma they may be holding, so they feel much calmer and less anxious. 

Please get in touch if you’ve any questions and find out how I could help your pet. Ginny lives and works in North Wales. 

I am happy to chat to answer any questions you might have

Get in touch today

Why not give me call for a chat to see if I could help your best friend.

Tel: 07539070419


This is Tai, who was rescued at the age of 13. He had lived outside most of his life and had aches and pains that made it difficult to get up on the sofa and in and out of the car. With regular WEBB sessions he started jumping on the sofa and even managed short runs on the beach.

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